STEM XPOSURE is, a leading non-profit organization dedicated to promoting STEM education among minority students, through the She Draws Architecture and Construction camp is excited to announce a strategic partnership with USF St Pete - STEM LAB. This collaboration aims to further empower women and girls in pursuing opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields.
Recently, a near million dollar renovation was completed to create a state of the art STEM Inquiry Lab. This lab is not only for Science and Mathematics but to integrate STEM across all of the degrees and disciplines. The STEM lab was opened for the 2018 St. Petersburg Science Festival. This lab will host STEM Xposure’s 2024 She Draws Architecture and Construction Camp.
The lab features 3D printing, Virtual and Augmented reality, maker spaces, coding stations and many different types of robotics programs. Rosegrant's Virtual STEM Research Lab has developed an Emerging Technology and Innovation Lab. This lab houses Virtual Reality stations, 3D monitors, and more!
